Become Your Families Star with this Easy Weeknight Zucchini Rollatini Recipe

There are nights when Mark and I have zero time to make a meal. Those are leftover nights.

Then there are Sunday nights, when we do our best to relax and cook a bigger meal together that’ll carry us through “zero time” weeknights.

Then there are the nights in-between.

The ones where you can put in a bit more time and make a meal your family believes you’ve been slaving away at all day.

You don’t need to share the truth. Just simply place the back of your hand to your head and sigh dramatically.

Yes! I slaved for you! I love you that much!!!

After working a full day at the farm thinning beets and washing up piles of carrots, Dion rushed home and “slaved (sigh) away” making Valerie Bertnelli’s Zucchini Rollatini.

She was a shining star (nothing new there).

With this recipe you’ll be one too!