Snakes, Slugs & Swallowtails...Another Stunning Month on the Farm

Please no eyes, please no eyes, PLEASE NO GLOWING EYES!

This was my mantra early this morning as I made my way down to the farm in search of gas for the generator.

There was only a sip left in the tank and the chore couldn’t wait, especially since I was getting ready to run energy sucking appliances to blend my last batch of spring garlic salt.

Ah the joys of a (mostly) solar powered farm.

So, at 3:30AM I found myself in the RTV, headlights on high, praying for no glowing eyes to remind me I’m not the only one awake at this hour.

When I got there and looked out I saw something I hadn’t seen in days.


Not a cloud in sight and a brilliant, clear sky filled with the kind of stars you only experience far away from town.

The kind of stars we’re privileged to see most nights.

So, glowing eyes or not, we’re pretty damn lucky to live the life we live.

Here are just a few more of this months magical moments on the farm.

We’ve had so many visitors to the farm this year!

Snakes, swallowtails, spiders, bunnies, turkeys & toads…I even found a slug the other day.

I was more shocked to find a slug than I was when I went to grab the chain to open the gate and found a snake instead (watch the video)

And the views this month have been just as incredible as the wildlife.

I’ve never experienced so many double rainbows in a short amount of time.

However challenging this life may be and wherever it chooses to lead us, there’s no questioning the beauty it contains.